
är såååå trött mentalt, tror min hjärna vart i varv på sistonde att jag glömt hur det var att inte vara stressad. Skojar inte, aldrig bara pressat mig själv så mcket i livet som nu. I guess when you really want some? aja imorgon gäller det och jag vill bara lyckas GUD JAG BER SNÄLLA och känna lugnet att vara 50% inne liksom. Får bli en siesta nu och imorrn kan vara ändringen i mitt liv, you never know inshallah
puss från en trött Hind!

god morgon och god förmiddag

älskar morgon som sånna här! och vilket är för/efter middag för vissa haha. Vaknade, åt frukost, duschade, fick veta att jag kanske åker till Malmö och så fick jag rummet äntligen gjort! det vart så galet stökigt :/ ibland undrar man bara. Fick igång tvätten också och nu ska jag föna håret.
Jag borde fan leva såhär föralltid, trivs som bäst som en ensamvarg bara. Vad har ni haft för er? jag har ju bara ett vellans segt liv men inshalla så ändras allt för det ska jag fan se till. Fan och Inshallah i en och samma mening ;) inte bra...
puss på er


så nu är det lika tomt i huvudet igen, saknar min mamma otroligt mycket samt som jag njuter av friheten. men alltså det känns så tomt utan henne typ att jag verkligen behöver henne bara för att prata ut, dock det finns dagar hon inte ens lyssnade på mig ändå haha men hennes närhet, att bara veta att hon är här gör så mycket :/ har typ lust att resa till marocko bara för att -.-
vad har ni haft för er idag. Jag har jobbat så jag har typ missat halva solen som värmde :) men det positiva med Fittjabadet är att jag ändå njuter av solen halvt.
Och aaah jag har verkligen inte så mycket mer än så att skriva om haha

lite fritt skrivande bara

Hej hej hej hej hej :P
Här är man skriver från sin nya dator, äntligen en efterlängtad Macbook <3 men det sjuka är att man inte haft tillgång till en riktig datorn på så länge att man nästan glömt bort vad man ska ha en till -.- haha
hoppas ni fina människor mår bra idag. För mig är det som om jag har en jobbig känsla i kroppen som är blandad av nervositet ångest och en massa namnlösa saker. Känner ni någonsin så? ni vet när det är som att man hellre skulle ha velat sitta hemma och bara dega framför en bra serie och skita i resten av världen? But hey någongång måste man lyfta sig samman och greppa tag i lite friskluft :) så hoppas ni får en bra dag, if not well vi alla har sånna dagar och passa på att njuta av dom med, för alla dagar har en mening i livet.

Glöm inte

Jag har tappat bort mig på sistonde och försökt att bara hitta mig själv igen. Dagarna har inte vart enkela och nu när mamma är i Marocko och ska vara där i 4 månader så känns allt mer känsligt. Men att jag tappat bort mig själv från bloggen är jätte konstigt. Det här var alltid mitt hem att hitta tillbaka till, då jag kunde skriva av mig och vara mig själv men istället har jag sökt mig till uppmärsammarnas källa Facebook twitter och instagram? How original :/
Men här är jag än igen och känner att jag behöver skriva av mig.
Ville först och främst tala om för mig själv hur stolt jag är över dig! Glöm aldrig vem du var för du hedrar alltid person som du blivit. Om du ska älska dig vem ska? Så Hind, jag älskar dig och personen Gud gjort dig till, sluta fråga för han gjorde allt rätt och planerat. 
God morgon alla, ha en bra dag xoxo


Even though the weather is playing tricks on us, the sun is shining the brightest and warming in the best way it always does.
How is everyone doing? I am having a day off just relaxing :) Yesterday I saw James Arthur live and let me just say that HE IS UH'MAZING! really gave heck of a show :)
But anyways gotta get ready because I'm on my way out to eat at my sisters new work place

Well hello

So I kind of noticed that it's much more easier to blog when I have a computer infront of me. The phone isn't really giving me a lust for it.
Everything has been pretty hectic, I have managed to feel good, feel bad, hate my life and yet adorn it. All at the same time, but I always manage to grow the most in the outcome. So let's not dwell at whatever has been, I am doing alright now and that's all that matters. I am closing up to getting my DL and finally reaching my goals!
AAAND that is all I can say right now folks :)

A reminder to myself

You know what, what made me think that I ever loved you or that you were a right definition of love? You always complaing about the things that I do. You hate my ways, I always try to please you. You always let me be the one to apologize. You're stubborn and put yourself on a pedistol. You want everything to be about you and you always just object me. Judge me for my appearence. Try to change me, try to define me. The hell with you because honestly what was there to love about you? The goodness lastet  for 5 minutes and the rest was shit. Everything always had to be your way or the high way. Really to think about it, why did I ever love you since all you ever do nowadays is to push me away and stupify me. Call me childish and blame everyone else but yourself? Goodbye  

Goodnight Sunday

Today's lesson and also a reminder to the selfish side of me that couldn't let God take care of what he knew best of, his plan for me " It hurts to know that what you really wanted wasn't what you needed once you got it. Maybe cause God was keeping you safe from it "

Hump day!

I am about to go to sleep! Been having this itchy feeling in my body that just doesn't feel right and I don't know why? It's like sometimes you're just to happy that it turns negative in some way if that even makes sense -.-
Oh well, about my day, I went to the shopping mall with "M" and found some new sports gear! After that I met up with Paula for a coffee. I've really missed her and sometimes meeting friends becomes a last resort which is not healty :(
And to finish of the day I went to the gym. Been going pretty steady now and I must say, I am damn proud!! My goal though is to form my body like Victoria's Secret model Doutzen Kroes. Her body is perfectly shaped, not too overrated and not too much just perfect!
Xoxo Goodnight 

favourite day

don't know how to explain today but this one has absolutely been the best one so far. The day started of with my sister and I  doing our laser treatment and to be honest it was ok :) no pain so yei hair-free soon! After the treatment, I met up with Sofie to look for a driving school. We ended up finding the best one so my first lesson starts at Monday :) weird I must say, because it feels like my goals are finally happening with a one step closer.
And to finish of the day I went to the gym and had a killer training, so overall happy day
Xoxo Goodnight

Good morning :)

Hello to all the beautiful people, sleep well?
I know I didn't, been super nervous since yesterday!
I have decided to get my body hair removed permanently. although yesterday I gave myself a late night pedicure to feel better because I felt like even my feet could have used a good beauty sleep.
Right now, my sister is in there getting her laser treatment and I'm just out here dying slowly of panic! 

two thousand and fourteen

Ok so I admit! I have been awful awful when it comes to update but hey, photos on the other hand is something I have always been good at so here are some pictures from the times I've missed and a little from this start. And with a little help also from my sister's blog which you guys should follow because she is an excellent updater

No title

Man it feels weird for not have been blogging in awhile. But here I am, in bed just starring outside my window and really feeling more confused than ever. An empty sky can do that, give you a hundred of thoughts in a second and still have that one feeling tingling inside; insecurity. Sometimes life gives you so much and sometimes eveything is just the way it seems. I'm probably speaking in riddles right now but I will always know what I mean. All these questions in my head that I actually have an answer for, but in my way stands insecurity. I should just grab myself together and stop caring about what people say, even though it goes against my nature. Good night!  

Hejsan Svejsan

Hi my little munchkins, hope you're doing well!
Let me tell you about my recent week, been working and having lots of my own swimmings classes! It's been mad fun but also very exhausting not to lie :)
And so there is nothing more to tell haha, I will be posting two pictures, one is clothes I just ordered from caaaan't wait. And the other one is me and my mom when we're having some bonding time!

Good morning

I just have to say this cause it feels like this is something I experience all the time, a strong friendship is not tested with how many times a phone rings or how many comments you give on fb. A friendship is something that is supposed to stay strong even though there is obstacles, if there is no time for the friendship please know that it doesn't mean that it has vanished, maybe it means that the person is out there making a future for them selfs and what a true friendship needs then is support  
Having that said I just also share that this is not supposed to be directly blaming someone, only that this is something I do experience all the time. Some in good ways, some in bad

Back home

Days come and go but home sweet home always stays the same. Lately I've had a cold but even though I got to go to Gothenburg as planned with my cousin. I loved that I finally got to get away even though the weather was as shitty as Stockholm, there was new faces and new places.
Me and Cuz had fun, the hotel was mad (thanx Paula once again), we had a pool on the roof of the hotel, ate alot of yum, went to the movies (a tradition of ours) and saw some attractions.
All in all, as said before it was good to get away.
I will be having some free time this week, which is nice and I'll be taking the opportunity to write as before. My only way to really get away and just concentrate on what I do best namely dreaming :)
I've also made a new bucket list of things to be done before the end of this year: a driving license, new laptop and Au Pair.
Bye for now <3 ooww btw I just have to mention that I got to see Agnes at Gröna Lund with my sister and she was F'ing amazing! Just as amazing on stage as recorded :)

Back on track

life goes on, so does my freetime, so back on track and I'm working today. But if everything goes as planned I'll be leaving for Gotenborg on Friday :)
Today has been ok, woke up, had breakfast with my mom and about to get ready for work. My sister came home from London yesterday and brought me some gifts ^^ well she had to for messing up my top :p naaw but she's the best and I kinda missed her so felt like being forgiving.
Ow well, hope u guys have an awesome day xoxo

Day off

As of today I have decided to blog in English, why you ask? Well for learning reasons I guess, writing is my strongest side but I'm aiming to learn how to correct myself so by writing in English I'm hoping to develop and maybe expand my readers :). Don't know why I'm explaining really haha, just know that there will be questions in the air and this would justify
So how are you guys? I'm finally having my day off, I've been working 9 days straight and now it's time to just sit back, relax and groom myself while watching some Kardashians.
This past days have been so weird for me, I don't quite know why but all I know is that I've been so angry. At myself and sometimes I've been taking it out on the people that means the most, and I am nothing but grateful that they've been patient with me. I automatically hurt them cause I felt comfortable the most around them but I always regret my actions and calm down, now while sitting here and thinking through it I feel really bad. All I really needed was a day to myself since I'm actually a loner, so now that I have one I am more calm.
But enough with the emo stuff as always, hope you people have a super duper day as I will be having one!
Let me share a song with you that I've been upsest with lately

One more time say HEY YO, can you hear me?


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